Saturday, April 25, 2009

An Exciting Update from Brother P. – Purepero, Mexico

"Thanks to God for our 21st Anniversary! It was a grand celebration and many of the new believers were present for the first time, praising our God in the church, including a group of brothers from Purepero.

We are continuing to work in Purepero. Thanks to God, the new believers continue getting stronger and every day we are surprised by God in the advance of His work. We continue praying for our missionary Benjamin's family, as well as for the work in this city, and that God will provide a meeting place and economic support for the work.

Let's keep giving our offerings in Sunday School; it will be 100% mission offering for the work in Purepero. Don't forget each Sunday to give it to your teacher or leader. Put your offering aside during the week.

Pray for the town of Purepero and it government leaders, for the missionary from our church in this place.

What a Blessing! Some of the brothers from Purepero came to the church for the first time and attended an evangelistic service. The photo above is our missionary Benjamin with his wife Jeaneth and their little girl Ariadna.

Recounting these 21 years we can see the following:

1. Three pastors have been called by the Lord from our church to minister in other congregations.

2. A missionary with pastoral work to plant a new church in Purepero, Michoacan has arrived.

3. There are three churches organized in as many other counties, one more planted, and a new work in these days in Purepero, Michoacan.

4. Bible study groups established in the city and in three neighboring counties. The Gospel has been preached in all of our surrounding communities, not without opposition and even persecution.

Thanks to God in the celebration of this last anniversary we can see a good group of new brothers from the work we are starting in Purepero, they are people who for the first time attended an evangelistic worship service, also people who have received God's Word in Tangancicuaro, but in the same way had never attended an evangelical church. Therefore, the glory is to the Lord. We are happy!"


Brother P. – Purepero, Mexico