Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Turning from Alcohol to the Holy Spirit

Sandra, age 29, became an alcoholic at age ten. Her entire family was addicted to alcohol, and her father died last summer from the disease. She accepted the Lord a year ago after a brother-in-law went through a rehabilitation program started by the Mission. Three of her sisters have also become Christians. Sandra took time off from work to knock on doors every day with the workers. Her bubbly personality and enthusiasm for sharing the Gospel led a young man from the Mexican host church to say, I wish I could witness like Sandra.

Two volunteers from Cadiz Baptist Church, Cadiz, Kentucky, traveled to Mexico to work with Jim an IMB missionary and Mexican Baptists to share the Gospel so others could hear about Jesus and lean on him like Sandra and her sisters.

Jim was excited to report, "Of the 24 Mexican Baptist workers, 14 were from the mission that was started four years ago by a GO project. They will be doing most of the follow-up. The new area is several miles from the mission. The other workers were from IB Emmanuel."

Jim went on to say, "Several of the workers had never been involved in door-to-door evangelism, but they quickly began to witness effectively. Saturation was done in several colonias in the northwest section of Morelia, Michoacán where there are no nearby Baptist churches."

"Both volunteers from Cadiz Baptist have done evangelism projects in the past, but will return to their churches to enlist others for future projects," said Jim.

This mission was a great success! The team delivered over 2,000 packets, 14 people accepted Christ and nationals requested 60-plus Bible studies. We praise Jesus for this strong team and for those who made life-changing decisions.

You can help break the cycle of alcoholism by witnessing to families who need to hear the Truth. Contact us for mission opportunities. Christ will bless you for focusing on Him and not the "stuff" of this world.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

God is in the business of changing lives!

A discotec in the Bonit Juarez area of Mexico is the location of a small weekly Bible study by brother Gilberto – a precious man of peace. When First Baptist Church of Wauchula, Florida, sent six workers to Mexico City to assist Verna, an IMB missionary, they had no idea that the Lord would touch their own lives in a wonderful way!

"Two of the team members were of Mexican descent so it was an emotional week for both of these women to revisit their homeland and to reach out and touch Mexicans with the Gospel. Friendships were instant. The women spoke perfect Spanish and were a wonderful asset to the group, said Verna."

"Other team members forged the mountains cheerfully and overcame the fears fostered by United States newscasters. They were excellent volunteers and terrific Spanish learners. This group hopes to become a SC Church, continuing service in Mexico City. They were a great encouragement to Mexican Baptists. They left with a desire to pour their lives, resources, time, prayers, and Great Commission work into the people of Mexico City, all for God's glory. I hope Wauchula, and Pastor Smith, is ready for this group. They developed a Great Commission call during this short-term mission trip, and fell in love with the Mexican people while using their language and talents. They have so very much to offer ministering in our area of the world. This will be a powerful group to watch, declared Verna."

Verna went on to say, "Literally, every team member, both Mexican and those from the United States, had their own personal story of God's grace and mercy to tell and share this week. The group learned to pray specifically with more compassion, more sensitivity, than they thought possible. They experienced the pain of others, those lost and those that knew salvation, but grew ever so much this week through being on mission with God."

"As the Mexican Baptist strongly shared their faith leading some to Christ, some U.S. team members experienced sharing the Gospel that led to salvation for the very first time – I do not think it will be the last, said Verna."

Verna explains, "The volunteers met Mexicans that worship the dead, Mexicans that are drug addicts, and Mexicans that love Jesus as Lord and Savior. They saw firsthand that God is in the business of changing lives, making all things new for His glory. Never have I seen God so at work in the lives of the Mexican people as I did this week, followed by His awesome work in the lives of the U.S. team members."

"It was an exciting week. We showed the Jesus film at the discotec on Thursday afternoon and 30 people came – the fruit of the week in the flesh. I believe this is just the beginning of how God will use a discotec to reach a community for Jesus, thanks to the faithful surrender of the life of Gilberto to be used by God for His glory. Thanks be to God for the determined lives surrendered by six faithful Christians from Wauchula who came to be God's servants this week," exclaimed Verna.

Would you be willing to allow God to use you as He did these workers? Contact us and we will guide you to missionaries who are praying for workers to come to assist them in evangelizing the lost. Time is of the essence. Millions die every day without the saving grace of Jesus. Get involved and allow God to work through you to make a difference in the harvest fields.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

There is hope for the next generation

A very special missionary, who is close to retirement, has hosted many teams of volunteers from the United States. Recently, Jim wrote the following summary of his experience with a SC church (East Salem) in Leakesville, Mississippi:

"This was the most consistent response of national church members of any project I have ever seen. Of the 21 volunteers, only three came just one time. One man, aged 82, who has been a Christian only five years, came every time."

A team member remarked, "Seeing a fifteen year old boy go out every day to pass out Gospels, and to sign up so many for Bible studies, was just amazing to me. He proves there is still hope for the next generation."

Jim states, "The host church is committed to beginning work in these villages, based on the response of saturation. In each village, we had at least two Bible studies requested. We spent five hours saturating five small colonias in Ario de Rosales where the host church is located. One of the volunteers had never been on an international mission project. The team leader anticipated involving more first time volunteers next year."

Praise Jesus for faithful servants who recognize the importance of answering God's call to overseas missions. Help to finish the task by contacting us for opportunities.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


A missionary describes mission objective:

"Hermana Francisca has desired to have an evangelical church in her neighborhood for years. Many of her relatives live in the same neighborhood, but they remain staunchly Catholic. Francisca desires for her regular Thursday afternoon Children's Club to grow into a new house church where there are no evangelical churches." "Assisting in this evangelistic project were members of a church on the far south side of town. They joined our field personnel for the week along with a team from Carlinville Southern Baptist Church,Carlinville, Illinois."

"This was the first mission trip for part of the team. They will be responsible for planning their home church's missions program when they return. They have expressed a desire to learn Spanish and come on more mission trips."
The week's events…as told by a team member:

"It rained with hail some of the days, but we would drive the streets praying until the inclement weather let up. One day we got the opportunity to pray for a woman whose 42-year-old brother-in-law died in a traffic accident a few days before. Francisca was able to tell her about Jesus, and she will return to visit for follow-up."

"Another day Francisca talked with a woman whose husband had recently become a Christian. Consequently, he has left his drug addiction, but the wife has not become a believer."

"Still another day, a woman came up and asked us what we were doing, and when we explained, she joyfully said, 'I have been praying and looking for a place for my children to study the Bible and learn about Jesus. I will bring them!"
"David Haynes and I met an indigenous man of the Huichol tribe from northern Jalisco. He brought his son to Bible school for two evenings, and the little boy, although shy at first, warmed up. By the end of the second evening, he said 'Thank you,' to his teacher."
"The children were very welcoming. Some wanted to learn English, and we tried all week to learn Spanish. By the end of the week, our communication with them was fantastic. I could tell that God had bridged the communication gap, and it blessed us greatly."
"We had 38 children the first night, 52 the second night, with 48 the rest of the evenings. This time with our brothers and sisters in Christ showed that God is so good. This week of missions really touched hearts. Francisca's family, and our five-team members, stood each night holding hands and praying. It was amazing to hear prayers in both English and Spanish."

"One evening during VBS, a child said, 'Mi casa mi Mama, invitation.' She thanked me and hugged me, which really touched my heart, because she remembered us coming to her house to invite her to VBS."
Do you want to join our field missionaries and help tell the story of Jesus?

Contact us at the information on this blog site and we will connect you with missionaries who are ready to work with you to plant seeds and cultivate lives for Him.

May God bless you for your obedience to our Great Commission task.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Prayer Works!

Are you willing to pour out your life for the Lord and allow Him to use you to bless others? The Union Baptist Association in Charlotte, North Carolina, has done just that for many years. Team leader, Henry Funderburk, from UBA, brought with him representatives from three churches to join national Baptists and field personnel to evangelize an area near Cuatitlan Izcalli, Mexico. They have worked with a church there since the 1990's.

The IMB field missionary shares:

"The project was a blessing for everyone to get together and allow the Lord to use them so successfully. Not only did they distribute over 2600 Gospels, but also the teams intentionally sought out opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and look for men and women of peace.

Henry covered all the bases and did an incredible job using his Spanish as well. He encouraged his team and the national volunteers to use the Evangi-Cube. This was the first time I had seen this used with a group and I witnessed some incredible receptivity to the Gospel with the use of this cube. The group was wonderful and did an outstanding job of using the power of prayer. As one team member witnessed, another prayed and 'held the sword.'

Personally, this would have to be a 'top three' in what we have experienced. It was truly beautiful to see these churches working together sharing the Good news of Jesus Christ. Each team member took his or her job seriously. It was a beautiful week.

Funderburk's team met with a family who had experienced the loss of a son that same week. The team was able to minister to this family by repeatedly taking the time to visit and pray.

In another occasion, Aldo, from the national Baptist church, met with a friend (Mauricio) who he had not seen in a while. We prayed as a team for Mauricio and his family because Aldo had set up an appointment to meet with him. As it turned out, Mauricio and his family received Christ that evening! On one opportunity, a whole family came to know the Lord, which was a blessing for all. The Lord brought these teams together at the right time to minister and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

I realize that only God knows those who are truly His, but from what I saw this week, I am truly encouraged and blessed from what I witnessed. Prayer works!"

Thank you for praying for those who have never heard the Truth, and for considering giving of your time to come to the American Peoples Affinity to work with our field personnel.

Joh 7:38 "The one who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, will have rivers of living water flowing from his heart."

Contact us at the links listed on this site or below.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

God is doing great things!

Jim R., missionary on the field in, Mexico, sent the following update on a church planting we have been following in Purepero.

Jim states: "Hermano Jose Pina announced recently that they are now discipling 45-50 people in Purepero. The church is contributing 10,000 pesos per month, and has rented a larger house for the missionary family so they will have an adequate meeting place. He also said that several new believers from Purepero have traveled to Tangancicuaro (45 minutes) to attend worship services at the church that sponsored the project."

Join us in praising God for the wonderful work among the national believers in Purepero!

Prayer needs:

Pray for the missionaries who answered God's call to lead His flock to a closer walk with Him.

  • Pray for travel safety and God's protection as the believers travel great distances to attend the services.

  • Pray the believers will continue to respond with obedience.

  • Pray the believers continue to share God's Truth with all who are receptive.

  • Pray the believers remain faithful in their tithing.

Do you have a heart for evangelism and a passion and vision for boldly sharing the Gospel? Contact us at the address listed below, or check out http://going.imb.org/

"That they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me" (John 17: 21, NASB).

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mary’s Great Adventure

The IMB has thousands of devoted missionaries, and one of them is Jim R., who serves on the Mexico Operation GO team. Jim has a long and endearing relationship with other missionaries, volunteers and churches that have traveled to Mexico to work with him and his wife, Olive, who has now gone home to be with the Lord. Recently, Jim hosted a volunteer team that has a special story to share. We think it will warm your hearts, as it did ours.

In the 1930's, Jim's family and the Nelson families attended the Michigan Avenue Baptist Church in Kansas City, Missouri. That relationship is what brings us to share this heartwarming adventure.

Karen (Nelson) Kessler contacted the IMB about doing an Operation GO project with Jim in Lázaro Cárdenas, México. She found out that he needed volunteers for a mission project, and so she asked two women from Nall Avenue Baptist Church, Shawnee Mission, Kansas, to join her. It is at this point, where you clearly see God's hand in the planning of this short-term mission trip.

Lois Miller, one of the women who volunteered to be part of the project, told her sister, Mary Wood, about her plans to join Karen and travel to Mexico. Mary works with the Hispanic congregation and teaches English as a Second Language at First Baptist Church, Grandview, Missouri. In hearing this news, she knew she must get involved because of her relationship with one of her students.

Lucia Ponce Leyva, is a student in Mary's English class, and from Tierra Colorado, Guerrero, Mexico. She became a Christian after attending a Bible study taught by Mary. Lucia's family lives where no evangelical Christian church exists. Mary was aware of Lucia's concerns for the salvation of her relatives, and knew she had to make every effort to find Lucia's family and witness to them for Lucia and the Lord.

Mary Wood e-mailed Jim, and explained about Lucia. She asked if it was possible to add anything to the Operation GO itinerary. Jim knew there was a great distance between where the Op GO team would work and where Lucia's family lived. He suggested Mary arrive ahead of the rest of the team so there would be time to work in additional plans. Jim arranged for a national (Rocio) to accompany Mary on her journey.

Mary flew into Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, where she met Rocio, the national believer who would accompany her on the trip. They waited an hour for the bus to leave for Acapulco, a four-hour ride away, and then transferred to a taxi for an additional one and a half hours to Tierra Colorado. The tired travelers finally reached Lucia's family late at night. Despite tremendous fatigue, they did not go to sleep until they shared the Gospel. The next morning Rocio suggested they travel even further to visit additional family members.

In the meantime, the rest of the Operation GO team arrived to begin the mission project with Jim. An exhausted Mary and Rocio met the volunteers at the hotel at 11:15 at night where they excitedly shared that FIVE of Lucia's relatives accepted Jesus as their Savior! From left to right the new believers are Lucia's brother-Gilberto; Mary Wood; Lucia's mother-Angela; Gilberto's daughter-Maria; Lucia's daughter-Sandi; Gilberto's son-Jesús (in front of Sandi) and, Gilberto's wife- Fidencia. Jesús was the only family member that did not accept Jesus.

Praise the Lord for His perfect timing, travel safety, and for the persistence of Mary and Rocio to reach those who have not heard the WORD before they faced an eternity without Jesus. They now know the true source of peace and joy! Amen.

Are you sharing without fear your faith with the unsaved? Learn how to be a witness and be in unity with Jesus' plan for your life. God will bless you for your obedience just as He blessed Mary for hers. It was, indeed, quite an adventure for Mary!

God is waiting for YOU to join Him in His work. It is vital that believers pray, give and go! Contact us for opportunities with the American Peoples Affinity.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

God Changes Hearts in Mexico through Volunteers

"Central Baptist Church, Temple, Ga., did an incredible job on this mission trip…they did everything asked of them and more," stated resident missionaries David and Pam W.

Six OP Go volunteers, under the leadership of Bryan Cox, worked with Mexican Baptists and IMB missionaries to hand out 5,000 Gospels in four areas around Tultitlan, Mexico.

The IMB missionaries tell the following heartwarming story of God at work.

"Bryan Cox's team on Wednesday left a Gospel at a house with a young man, Isaac, and his 75-year-old mother. When they were heading back to the car for lunch, Isaac came down the street with tears in his eyes asking for more information. The group was able to lead Isaac to Christ who also wanted the group to share with his mother. The volunteers made their way back to Isaac's house and led his mother to the Lord as well. That evening they both showed up for the service where Joe Owen preached the Gospel. Both came forward to confirm their decision in the presence of over 200 people. The next two days Isaac showed up to help with the saturation project."

Even with the team's limited Spanish, they blended with the nationals in an incredible way by speaking a message of love through their actions. Their obvious humility and Christlike behavior, helped demonstrate to people God's message of salvation and truth.

Through the efforts of the volunteers, the Op GO team and the dedicated Mexican Baptists, the Father used them as vessels to bring many to His throne. Yet there are a host of people who have never heard. Allow God to use YOU and help fulfill the Great Commission. Volunteer your time to be on a mission trip and gain a new perspective for other cultures. When you sow seeds of faith, and interact with the lost, it allows others to experience the grace of God through you.

For more informaiton and future possibilities to serve in the harvest fields, contact us today, We will encourage you in your decision and celebrate your obedience to God's Word.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Prayer Deters Attempts by Colonia President to Halt Gospel Presentations

Jim and Peggy S. are retired missionaries who returned to Leon with the First Baptist Church, Cassville, MO, to work with church planters Mike, Jennifer and their four children. Their main objective was to distribute the Gospel door-to-door during the daytime in two areas where there are Bible studies and to share the Gospel in parks in the same areas in the evenings.

Each day, the volunteers walked the parks and bathed the areas in prayer. They wanted to seek the Lord's guidance on how to encourage attendance for the planned activities and to deter confrontations that might surface. The first night the volunteers cleaned the park area and prepared it for the evening events. As some volunteers continued to pray, more and more people arrived and stayed to see the dramas.

Everything seemed to be going well, except the second day the colonia president contacted the pastor of the small Baptist church that the team worked with and he told the pastor the team had to leave the park area. After a lengthy plea from the pastor of the church, the president accepted an invitation to come that night and see the activities first hand. If he did not approve, the team would agree to stop their plans for the next night. Everyone began to pray about this dilemma. Praise the Lord, the president came and all ended well. He gave his approval for the team to continue their work.

Following the puppet shows and dramas, the church planters gave the people an opportunity to sign up for a CD about family issues. Many couples requested the CD and follow-up visits.

Because of the Operation GO saturation project, new people are coming to the Bible studies. Praise Jesus for His goodness in guiding the team during their efforts, and for protecting the team while on this mission trip. Seekers in this area reported several incidents of persecution, but the volunteers were safe during their time in Leon because of the prayers said for them and the Lord's hedge of protection.

After the volunteers returned home, the church planter visited a woman who had received the Gospel from the U.S. team. She was open to the Word and explained that her psychologist recommended she fill the emptiness in her heart with God. The church planter reinforced what her psychologist had shared and explained that only a personal relationship with Jesus could fill the void in her heart. We praise the Lord that this woman continues to seek information, that she reads the Truth, and attends Bible sessions in her neighborhood.

Jim and Peggy shared other exciting news from the harvest field: "One single young man (20ish) attended the festivities one night at the park. We shared Jesus with him and gave him a Bible. Our contact in Mexico told us this young man has recently begun one-on-one discipleship classes with the church planter. Sometimes we see immediate results, but like this young man, we see God beginning a work in his life after six months. We praise God that the Holy Spirit works in the lives of the nationals long after the teams are back in the U.S.!"

Pray for the Christian witnesses in this area to have a unity of spirit and a common vision so they can find true freedom in Christ and help bring others to Him.

John 3:16 explains God's boundless love – won't you allow Him to lead you toward opportunities in the MAC region to evangelize His love for others? Contact us for more information at the address listed on this blog.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Equipped Spiritually, Physically and Emotionally Results in Success on the Field

What happens when a volunteer team arrives fully prepared with a strong team leader? God uses them to His full capacity to reach those who have never heard the Truth.

Missionary Verna T. worked with six members of Bear Creek Baptist Church, Cypress, TX, along with about 23 Mexican Baptists from IB Elienai (a large Mexican Baptist Church) to saturate a very rural area in San Miguel. Their objective was to facilitate ongoing efforts of four families in San Miguel who have a small house church. San Miguel is in a more rural area with no evidence of other Baptist churches or missionaries.

The Mexican Baptist volunteers traveled 45 minutes each morning to do Gospel Outreach with the Bear Creek workers. The result was 11 Bible Studies requested 44 visits requested and 87 salvations that the workers from Elienai will follow up and disciple.

Missionary Verna T states:

"Pastor Ezequiel of Elienai trains his deacons well and is committed to planting new churches and working together with small house churches into a greater work to reach the people of San Miguel for the Lord.

The team came well equipped spiritually, physically, and emotionally to serve because of the preparation offered them by team leader, Jeff Hastings. This was a fun group that was spiritually mature with much to offer. They built warm relationships with church members at San Miguel and we pray will return next year.

While the small community was celebrating "San Miguel", with the Catholic square and a portion of the town blocked from traffic, these teams quietly worked the streets, going door-to-door sharing Christ.

In all our humanity, we might have said that a house church of only four families was not ready for an Operation GO Project. How would transportation be provided for all with only one Dodge Ram IMB van? How would we bridge the main highway to work across the railroad tracks to reach the greater San Miguel community? Where would we meet and how would we be fed? God planned it all and the fruit is all His.

When people who love the Lord and love each other enough to travel and reach out to neighbors for Jesus, God does amazing things. Thanks be to God for pastors who step out on faith to encourage missions, encourage the building of house churches, and take their time to train up and teach their own church members how to share the Gospel. I love it when a plan comes together!? To God be the glory and we praise Him for letting us participate in His works."

Pray and ask your church to get involved with Operation GO and help saturate other areas of Mexico that have no presence of the Lord. We are all responsible for spreading the Gospel. Missionaries cannot handle this massive task alone. The Lord will bless you for your willingness to serve. Could there be any better feeling in your heart than to know you went to the ends of the earth to proclaim His Word?

Contact us and we will see that you connect with the on-going work in the Middle America and Caribbean region.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Children Receptive to the Truth after Attending Bible School

Pastor Gabriel and his wife Laura are church planters in Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico. They have worked with the Mexican Baptist Convention in the state of Hidalgo for several years, and hold services weekly in their home. They wanted to build relationships with even more of their neighbors, but needed help to accomplish this task.

The Lord answered Pastor Gabriel's need by sending five members of the First Baptist Church of Charleston, MS, to work with him and several Operation GO missionaries. The goal of the trip was to saturate an area with the Gospel and search for people not affiliated with any church yet open to learning about the Bible.

During the week, over 3,000 Gospels were distributed, and FBC Charleston invited the children of Colnia de Los Maestros to a mini Bible school so they could learn about Jesus. Praise God, after the message, 25 children accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. It was a wonderful week of building relationships between the pastor and his neighbors.

Aching backs and sore knees (from walking steep trails and hiking over rugged terrain) did not deter the volunteers from accomplishing their task. Even though their Spanish was limited, they boldly shared the Truth so the people could see the Light.

Join us in praying that the new believers will find the courage to share their faith so others will know God's touch and have the opportunity to receive His love.

Come to the MAC region and help impact lives. Contact information is on the top left of the page.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

An Exciting Update from Brother P. – Purepero, Mexico

"Thanks to God for our 21st Anniversary! It was a grand celebration and many of the new believers were present for the first time, praising our God in the church, including a group of brothers from Purepero.

We are continuing to work in Purepero. Thanks to God, the new believers continue getting stronger and every day we are surprised by God in the advance of His work. We continue praying for our missionary Benjamin's family, as well as for the work in this city, and that God will provide a meeting place and economic support for the work.

Let's keep giving our offerings in Sunday School; it will be 100% mission offering for the work in Purepero. Don't forget each Sunday to give it to your teacher or leader. Put your offering aside during the week.

Pray for the town of Purepero and it government leaders, for the missionary from our church in this place.

What a Blessing! Some of the brothers from Purepero came to the church for the first time and attended an evangelistic service. The photo above is our missionary Benjamin with his wife Jeaneth and their little girl Ariadna.

Recounting these 21 years we can see the following:

1. Three pastors have been called by the Lord from our church to minister in other congregations.

2. A missionary with pastoral work to plant a new church in Purepero, Michoacan has arrived.

3. There are three churches organized in as many other counties, one more planted, and a new work in these days in Purepero, Michoacan.

4. Bible study groups established in the city and in three neighboring counties. The Gospel has been preached in all of our surrounding communities, not without opposition and even persecution.

Thanks to God in the celebration of this last anniversary we can see a good group of new brothers from the work we are starting in Purepero, they are people who for the first time attended an evangelistic worship service, also people who have received God's Word in Tangancicuaro, but in the same way had never attended an evangelical church. Therefore, the glory is to the Lord. We are happy!"


Brother P. – Purepero, Mexico

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Work is Just Started!

Below is an insightful newsletter from pastor J.P.F., of Tangancícuaro/Purépero, Mich., México, to the church members of the Highland Baptist Church in Vicksburg, MS. Please consider praying for the needs listed at the end of this letter.

We would consider it a blessing to speak with you about the many opportunities available in our region. Pease contact us at the address listed on the blog and you can be part of the great work that God is doing among the people of Middle America and the Caribbean.

Scroll past the letter to see the photos of God's workers and the beautiful scenery of Purépero.

And now the letter from the pastor to the saints of Highland Baptist Church:

"About the work in Purépero let me tell you that our church (a team of approximately 16 people) has been there each Thursday since the Operation Go project last October. We have started several (15 more or less) Bible studies in different houses. The church has now named a missionary couple and rented a house in Purépero where they can live and meet with new believers.

Many of the people that first accepted a visit changed their minds. We understand that this happens, but why. The reasons are many. Some families pushed their relatives away from us, some neighbors caused intimidation that resulted in a change of mind, and others took the Gospel packet to the priest and asked for permission to receive us. Of course, he said, "No." Others thought that it was something else, and when they understood the purpose, they refused to receive us. However, we believe that those who did accept our visit will be the seeds for a new church. In fact, a lot of people that we did not see have made a joyful decision for Christ in these Bible studies.

Please, keep praying for us, because here in Mexico it is not so easy to plant a church out of nothing, but we know that it is not our work, it is God's work.

The steps we have to follow are these:

  • Keep praying. We have started in our church a 40-day-fasting and praying for the work in Purépero and for other things.
  • Open more Bible studies at homes.
  • Visit the mayor to share the Gospel and to give him a Bible.
  • We want to affirm and involve the local believers, and to offer medical services, counseling services and evangelism. I have two physicians, and some others to confirm.
  • Pray for the missionary couple. It is about a 35-minute drive to Purépero where the couple lives. Ask God to keep them safe and healthy as they serve Him. Ask Him to increase their stamina and to give them urgency in their work as they share the Word.
  • In Michoacán State there are 113 counties, 87 of them are without a Baptist church. Purépero is one of them. There is a huge need for prayer that God will work in a mighty way and send workers to help spread the Gospel in this area of His world so others will hear the Truth and the presence of Baptist churches will increase.
  • Once this mission is consolidated, involve the youths of our region to organize holiday Bible schools, and evangelistic activities to support them on specific dates.

As you can see, the work is just starting. Your support for the "foundation" was very valuable and your reward will be waiting for you. Please, don't stop praying for us that God will supply all the needs to reach this goal.

God bless you more and more."

Sharing Christ,

José P.F.
Pastor PIB

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Fuente de Agua Viva is a wonderful Mexican Baptist Church led by a special pastor, who is also a professor at the seminary on Lomas Verdes in Mexico City. Pastor A. invited his seminary students to join other workers to pass out Gospels and to share Jesus, with some, for the very first time.

While four teams of future pastors and Christian leaders of Mexico evangelized an area near the city, the church set up a "Free Hair Cut" tent in a neighborhood park. Many young mothers and children took advantage of this service.

The people will fondly remember the Fuente Mexican Baptist Church for offering free haircuts, but also for sharing the precious name of Christ. To God be the glory for the work that went forth in His name through the combined efforts of God's workers.

To learn more about volunteering on short-term mission trips, please contact us at the address above.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mission Trip to Guatemala is a Success!

A Guatemalan Baptist Church, Operation GO leaders, and two American churches, partnered to distrubute over 400 Gospels of Luke to people anxious to hear the Good News. It was a wonderful week of fellowship with 40 decisions made for Christ and several re-dedications reported.

The volunteers began their trip by worshiping with Pastor Benedicto Xata and his congregation. Singing, testimonies, and a Gospel message by Pastor Paul Murphy (team leader and pastor of First Baptist Church Arab, Alabama) helped mold the group together for a positive relationship between the volunteers and church workers.

Door-to-door witnessing, evangelizing, distribution of the Gospel of Luke, and praying with the people, was all part of God's plan. Many people in Pueblo shared with the team, "We are Catholic but we know why you are here…you have a message from God for us, and we want to listen to what you have to say."

The missionaries who worked with the volunteers stated, "We enjoyed tremendously the fellowship and labor of love this team presented to the people in Guatemala, and to both of these churches. To God be the glory and praise for it all, and may it encourage us to continue in the faith with even greater effort."

Can you visualize yourself traveling to Guatemala to help finish the task? Change the face of lostness…contact us for more informaiton and learn how you can reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.