Tuesday, October 20, 2009

God is in the business of changing lives!

A discotec in the Bonit Juarez area of Mexico is the location of a small weekly Bible study by brother Gilberto – a precious man of peace. When First Baptist Church of Wauchula, Florida, sent six workers to Mexico City to assist Verna, an IMB missionary, they had no idea that the Lord would touch their own lives in a wonderful way!

"Two of the team members were of Mexican descent so it was an emotional week for both of these women to revisit their homeland and to reach out and touch Mexicans with the Gospel. Friendships were instant. The women spoke perfect Spanish and were a wonderful asset to the group, said Verna."

"Other team members forged the mountains cheerfully and overcame the fears fostered by United States newscasters. They were excellent volunteers and terrific Spanish learners. This group hopes to become a SC Church, continuing service in Mexico City. They were a great encouragement to Mexican Baptists. They left with a desire to pour their lives, resources, time, prayers, and Great Commission work into the people of Mexico City, all for God's glory. I hope Wauchula, and Pastor Smith, is ready for this group. They developed a Great Commission call during this short-term mission trip, and fell in love with the Mexican people while using their language and talents. They have so very much to offer ministering in our area of the world. This will be a powerful group to watch, declared Verna."

Verna went on to say, "Literally, every team member, both Mexican and those from the United States, had their own personal story of God's grace and mercy to tell and share this week. The group learned to pray specifically with more compassion, more sensitivity, than they thought possible. They experienced the pain of others, those lost and those that knew salvation, but grew ever so much this week through being on mission with God."

"As the Mexican Baptist strongly shared their faith leading some to Christ, some U.S. team members experienced sharing the Gospel that led to salvation for the very first time – I do not think it will be the last, said Verna."

Verna explains, "The volunteers met Mexicans that worship the dead, Mexicans that are drug addicts, and Mexicans that love Jesus as Lord and Savior. They saw firsthand that God is in the business of changing lives, making all things new for His glory. Never have I seen God so at work in the lives of the Mexican people as I did this week, followed by His awesome work in the lives of the U.S. team members."

"It was an exciting week. We showed the Jesus film at the discotec on Thursday afternoon and 30 people came – the fruit of the week in the flesh. I believe this is just the beginning of how God will use a discotec to reach a community for Jesus, thanks to the faithful surrender of the life of Gilberto to be used by God for His glory. Thanks be to God for the determined lives surrendered by six faithful Christians from Wauchula who came to be God's servants this week," exclaimed Verna.

Would you be willing to allow God to use you as He did these workers? Contact us and we will guide you to missionaries who are praying for workers to come to assist them in evangelizing the lost. Time is of the essence. Millions die every day without the saving grace of Jesus. Get involved and allow God to work through you to make a difference in the harvest fields.