Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mexican Baptists and volunteers working together to sow seeds

"I went there with no expectations, but I was very surprised with how gracious the people were - and we were complete strangers," said team member Earl Parris from First Baptist Church in Lexington, Mo.

A few months ago, Earl and his wife, Janice, traveled to Leon, Guanajuato, with two other members of their church, to sow the seeds of Jesus. They went to work with International Mission Board church planters, Mike and Jennifer B., and Operation GO missionary, Jim R., to assist a newly forming Mexican Baptist church get off the ground.

Twenty-two members of the parent church, "Iglesias Bautista Estrella de Belen" worked hand-in-hand with the missionaries and volunteers to distribute around 5,000 Gospels of John to the residents of three neighborhoods in the city. This opportunity to work so closely with the Mexican Baptists was a blessing for the team.

Ken Jobe of FBC Lexington, who has been on six mission trips, described the role of the volunteers as "prayers and encouragers." Because of the language barrier, this goal could have been difficult, but three of the missionary couple's children served as translators for the group as they went door-to door sharing the love of Christ. Everyone was eager to hear the Good News and warmly welcomed the prayerwalkers into their homes.

ree unreached Mexican people came to the first Bible study. One of the attendees was a person who was not home when the group was in their neighborhood, so they left the gospel material near the door. Praise Jesus for this person who read the material and came on their own to hear Christ's message of love and salvation. Janice commented, "This was a sowing mission and the missionaries and people of that church will be the ones planting, reaping and harvesting." With God's guidance, that is exactly what the workers in Leon plan to do.

Pray for the newly formed Mexican Baptist church.

Please see the contact information to the left under "Volunteer Opportunities" to learn more about becoming a volunteer with the International Mission Board. Thank you for your consideration.

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