Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Work is Just Started!

Below is an insightful newsletter from pastor J.P.F., of Tangancícuaro/Purépero, Mich., México, to the church members of the Highland Baptist Church in Vicksburg, MS. Please consider praying for the needs listed at the end of this letter.

We would consider it a blessing to speak with you about the many opportunities available in our region. Pease contact us at the address listed on the blog and you can be part of the great work that God is doing among the people of Middle America and the Caribbean.

Scroll past the letter to see the photos of God's workers and the beautiful scenery of Purépero.

And now the letter from the pastor to the saints of Highland Baptist Church:

"About the work in Purépero let me tell you that our church (a team of approximately 16 people) has been there each Thursday since the Operation Go project last October. We have started several (15 more or less) Bible studies in different houses. The church has now named a missionary couple and rented a house in Purépero where they can live and meet with new believers.

Many of the people that first accepted a visit changed their minds. We understand that this happens, but why. The reasons are many. Some families pushed their relatives away from us, some neighbors caused intimidation that resulted in a change of mind, and others took the Gospel packet to the priest and asked for permission to receive us. Of course, he said, "No." Others thought that it was something else, and when they understood the purpose, they refused to receive us. However, we believe that those who did accept our visit will be the seeds for a new church. In fact, a lot of people that we did not see have made a joyful decision for Christ in these Bible studies.

Please, keep praying for us, because here in Mexico it is not so easy to plant a church out of nothing, but we know that it is not our work, it is God's work.

The steps we have to follow are these:

  • Keep praying. We have started in our church a 40-day-fasting and praying for the work in Purépero and for other things.
  • Open more Bible studies at homes.
  • Visit the mayor to share the Gospel and to give him a Bible.
  • We want to affirm and involve the local believers, and to offer medical services, counseling services and evangelism. I have two physicians, and some others to confirm.
  • Pray for the missionary couple. It is about a 35-minute drive to Purépero where the couple lives. Ask God to keep them safe and healthy as they serve Him. Ask Him to increase their stamina and to give them urgency in their work as they share the Word.
  • In Michoacán State there are 113 counties, 87 of them are without a Baptist church. Purépero is one of them. There is a huge need for prayer that God will work in a mighty way and send workers to help spread the Gospel in this area of His world so others will hear the Truth and the presence of Baptist churches will increase.
  • Once this mission is consolidated, involve the youths of our region to organize holiday Bible schools, and evangelistic activities to support them on specific dates.

As you can see, the work is just starting. Your support for the "foundation" was very valuable and your reward will be waiting for you. Please, don't stop praying for us that God will supply all the needs to reach this goal.

God bless you more and more."

Sharing Christ,

José P.F.
Pastor PIB

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