Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Turning from Alcohol to the Holy Spirit

Sandra, age 29, became an alcoholic at age ten. Her entire family was addicted to alcohol, and her father died last summer from the disease. She accepted the Lord a year ago after a brother-in-law went through a rehabilitation program started by the Mission. Three of her sisters have also become Christians. Sandra took time off from work to knock on doors every day with the workers. Her bubbly personality and enthusiasm for sharing the Gospel led a young man from the Mexican host church to say, I wish I could witness like Sandra.

Two volunteers from Cadiz Baptist Church, Cadiz, Kentucky, traveled to Mexico to work with Jim an IMB missionary and Mexican Baptists to share the Gospel so others could hear about Jesus and lean on him like Sandra and her sisters.

Jim was excited to report, "Of the 24 Mexican Baptist workers, 14 were from the mission that was started four years ago by a GO project. They will be doing most of the follow-up. The new area is several miles from the mission. The other workers were from IB Emmanuel."

Jim went on to say, "Several of the workers had never been involved in door-to-door evangelism, but they quickly began to witness effectively. Saturation was done in several colonias in the northwest section of Morelia, Michoacán where there are no nearby Baptist churches."

"Both volunteers from Cadiz Baptist have done evangelism projects in the past, but will return to their churches to enlist others for future projects," said Jim.

This mission was a great success! The team delivered over 2,000 packets, 14 people accepted Christ and nationals requested 60-plus Bible studies. We praise Jesus for this strong team and for those who made life-changing decisions.

You can help break the cycle of alcoholism by witnessing to families who need to hear the Truth. Contact us for mission opportunities. Christ will bless you for focusing on Him and not the "stuff" of this world.

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