Friday, October 17, 2008

A pharmacist seeks the face of Jesus after receiving the Gospel of John!

International Mission Board Operation GO missionary, Jim R., needed to find a pharmacy to purchase medicine for a volunteer who had an aching neck. Locating a pharmacy nearby, Jim went in to make the purchase. When the druggist saw Jim, he immediately opened his copy of the Gospel of John, which he had received the previous day at his house, and began to ask questions.

Jim shares, "I noticed that he had answered most of the questions in all five lessons. We used the references and found the answers. One question in lesson five was "What does Jesus ask of you?" We found the answer to be "Follow Me." He asked what that means and we talked about it. Then he said, "I guess that means 'Obey Him." Then he turned to the page with the "sinner's prayer" and showed me that he had already filled in the information and signed it indicating that he had accepted Jesus as his Savior. I found the pastor and sent him back to talk with the druggist. The pastor spent about 15 minutes with him and then told me that the druggist said he would come to church Sunday, even though he lives in Puruarán, 45 minutes from Tacámbaro."

Volunteers working with Mexican Baptists and Operation GO are changing the face of lostness. Their faithful planting and discipling for the Lord is reaching the Mexican people who desperately need prayer and salvation.

What does Jesus ask of YOU? Is God challenging you to follow Him into the harvest fields of Middle America and the Caribbean to share the Good News with those who have never heard?

God's IMB missionaries cannot do it alone. They need your help. How will you respond to His call?

We thank the Lord for the Mexican Baptists from the Primera Iglesia Bautista (First Baptist Church) Bethania, Tacambaro, Michoacán, who joined volunteers from Southside Baptist Church and Center Ridge Baptist Church, Yazoo City, Mississippi, to saturate four neighboring towns of Tacambaro with the Gospel of John. One of the nationals they visited was the pharmacist who is now their brother in Christ. We are grateful to these faithful followers who put God first and said, "Yes," when he called.

The team delivered 2,265 Operation GO packets and the project resulted in 156 requested Bible studies. The pastor hopes to plant churches in at least three of these towns.

Christ has a plan for the Mexican people and you can be part of this work. Come and share God's plan of salvation as you engage with missionaries, Mexican Baptists and other volunteers. Your impact will make an eternal difference!

We invite you to contact us at the addresses listed above to the left side under "For Other Volunteer Opportunities". It will change your life forever!

Pray that the peoples of Middle America and the Caribbean will be hungry for spiritual answers and the gospel.

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