Friday, November 7, 2008

“JESUS LOVES ME” is a universal truth!

"Volunteering with Operation GO gives me more blessings than any other service I do throughout the year," writes Karen Gudde, a Spanish teacher who went on her second Operation GO trip to Mexico. Several other members from Jefferson Street Baptist Church, Eureka, Kansas, joined Karen on this 2008 journey with God. These faithful workers for the kingdom are already planning a third trip next June.

"One volunteer was 85 years old and another was 75 years old! No one is too old for this "job." They passed out gospels with the best of them," exclaims Karen.

Are you flexible when plans have to change at the last minute? This can often be the case with volunteer teams. Fortunately, the volunteers from J.S.B.C. had a great attitude and did not allow schedule changes to deter their focus or vision to share Christ's love.

David W., and his family, IMB missionaries working in Mexico City, hosted the volunteers and helped work out new plans when the old ones fell through. They knew that the team had former relations with Ramiro Martinez, a local pastor of a Baptist church, and that it would be a blessing for the church members and the team to rekindle their friendship. The missionaries organized new plans with the church and the team surged ahead without delay.

Pastor Ramiro agreed to be the director of Vacation Bible School and he even wore a hula skirt to go along with the Hawaiian theme. Karen shares, "Pastor Ramiro has a dynamic personality and is a real people person. It seems people of all ages warm up to him right away."

When the children sang Jesus Loves Me, even the mothers who stayed for Bible school joined in. "It was absolutely precious to see this as none of these children were "churched" and the mothers also did not attend church," said Karen.

Many Mexican families attended worship services while the team was in town. Pointing to the volunteers, they exclaimed, "I came to church because YOU invited me." Pastor Ramiro Martinez wrote Karen and the team (after they left Mexico) to let them know that some of the mothers and kids are still attending his church. Praise Jesus!

Praying, sharing your faith and planting seeds can result in long-lasting experiences for God's workers and the people they reach. People reaching out to people through the Holy Spirit…can anything be more gratifying?

Do you have a passion to share Christ with others? Contact us at the addresses listed to the left under "Other Volunteer Opportunities" and we will connect you with IMB missionaries who are praying for volunteers to come and assist with their ministries. Will you come to the MAC region and make a difference in the lives of others through the power of God?

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