Sunday, December 7, 2008

FBC-Charleston Shares Highlights of Trip to Mexico

John Price of FBC-Charleston, Mississippi shares below how the Lord used an enthusiastic team of volunteers from his church.

"Our team of five volunteers traveled to Tula, Hidalgo (about an hour-and-a-half north of Mexico City) to work with IMB missionaries D & P W., and a Mexican church planter. We distributed 3096 copies of the Gospels of Matthew and John.

Some of their highlights of the trip:

  • As a pastor, I was thrilled to see the people of our church support the volunteers with their prayers, money, and encouragement. Volunteer mission trips can mobilize the entire church in support of missions and not just the volunteers who make the trip.

  • It is exciting to see volunteers from our church grow spiritually over the course of a week as they prepare for the trip.

  • One of the highlights of this trip was a Backyard Bible Club we held at a public park on Tuesday evening. As we distributed gospels on Monday and Tuesday, we also distributed invitations to the Backyard Club, which we advertised as an English class with a Bible story. We had no idea what kind of turnout we would have. At the appointed time, almost nobody was there but the volunteers and Mexican Baptists, but soon children and their parents began arriving and God enabled us to share the gospel with children and their parents. The church planter we were working with was thrilled to be able to reach his community in this way.

  • Every time I go on a mission trip, I make new friends. What a joy it is to get to know believers like Pastor G. We don't look alike. We come from different cultures. We don't speak the same language, but we share a common faith in Christ and that makes all the difference."

Come to the MAC region and see how the Lord will use your talents as you volunteer your time for His glory. Contact us at the address listed above and we will be thrilled to connect you with our field personnel for a journey of a lifetime!

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